Andrew Osborne
Member at Large
Andrew Osborne has worked in the fields of education and intercultural communication in Canada and Korea for nearly 20 years. From his early career in Teaching English as a Second Language in Seoul to his work in international higher education program management to lecturing in British Columbia, Andrew centres his cross-cultural approach on empathy and continually developing self-awareness. In his intercultural
communication teaching, Andrew works hard to incorporate Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) projects with partner universities in Asian and Europe to provide students the opportunity to engage in critical self-reflection as cultural beings
and complete projects in global virtual teams on important topics of interest.
Before shifting to full-time lecturing and joining the SIETAR BC Board, Andrew coordinated international and customized graduate level programs at the SFU Beedie School of Business Executive Education office and managed the University of Regina International’s Global Mobility national and international programs.